Anime Studio Tutor

creating tutorials, competitions and shared files for Moho (Anim

  • 18 members
  • $2.18/month

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Credits Page
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If you wish, you can be added to a special credit page on the site that will last as long as we exist with a link to your personal website, Twitter, YouTube, or Vimeo! (Note: all rewards kick in the following month. All donors will be added here or tiers above)
Business Credits Page
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Limited (49 of 50 remaining)

You will be added to a special credit page on the site that will last as long as we exist, plus a link on the competition page while you are supporting us. (Note: all rewards kick in the following month.)

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Awesome reward tire
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Limited (6 of 6 remaining)

A 370x100 banner ad the top of the competition page linking to your website. (All rewards kick in the following month)

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Anime Studio Tutor

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